Timeless Classics: Predator

Timeless Classics: Predator

“You are one ugly…”

The Predator (1987) went into the silver screen without anyone knowing.

However, it began as a goof that Rocky (1976) fans made up after Rocky IV (1985) came out, where in Rocky V (1990), Rocky Balboa’s next opponent is an alien champion. Jim and John Thomas took note of that hilarious idea and turn it into a Cold War military science fiction film featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers.

Its male-powered and jungle-filled style alongside the green blood from the Predator (Kevin Peter Hall/Peter Cullen) was highly inventive.

The success of Predator has led to the productions of Predator 2 (1990) and Predators (2010). It also began a two-part crossover film with the Alien (1979) for Alien Vs Predator (2004) and Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem (2007).

The unpredictable film is worth watching while you are required to get to the chopper.

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